
Filter > Scalars panel contains filters operating on point scalar fields.

Filters are directly applied on loaded points, Blender undo system does not work. To have single history state to return to, see Store/Restore state operators


Remove Value

Select points by scalar value. Selected points can be removed or split to new PCV instance. Points can be selected by range or exact value, both integers or floating point values.

Remove Value

Blur Scalar

"Blur" scalar field.

Blur Scalar

Posterize Scalar

Posterize scalar field. The result is the same like using Display > Scalar Field > Posterize, but it is aplied directly on values.

Posterize Scalar

Convert Scalar

Convert scalar field data type to another, optionally remap values From to To value ranges. Result can be added as new scalar field or replace source field.

Convert Scalar

Distance To Mesh

Add scalar field from point shortest distance to a mesh.

Distance To Mesh

Colorize Scalar

Colorize points by scalar value, grayscale or heat map colors.

Colorize Scalar

Scalar From Mesh Vertex Group

Create scalar field from mesh vertex group by point proximity.

Scalar From Mesh Vertex Group

Scalars From Mesh UV Map

Create scalar fields from mesh UV by point proximity.

Scalar From Mesh UV Map


Create scalar field from points density.

  • Neighbours - Density from point distance to closest neighbour.
  • Surface - Density from number of other points in circle radius, in 2D, along world Z axis.
  • Volume - Density from number of other points in sphere radius.



Compute curvature on points from underlying surface and output to colors or scalar.


Add Scalar

Create scalar value on points from other point properties.

Add Scalar