
  • PCV uses any Blender object as a "point in space", that object origin serves as zero point. Point cloud will then draw in object local space. i.e. point cloud will be transformed in the same way as container object. The best is to use Empty object type as containers.
  • PCV by default does not store loaded points in blend file because there is no suitable data type available. Only PCV settings and path to data file is stored. when blend file is reopened, points need to loaded from linked file again by clicking Draw button. If you wish to store points in .blend file, see Packer in Preferences for more info.
  • Any changes to points made with PCV have to be saved using Export panel before quitting Blender or loading other blend file, otherwise will be lost.

UI Locations

  • main PCV panel is located in 3D Viewport Sidebar N under Point Cloud Visualizer tab
  • one more extra pop up panel in 3D Viewport header at the top right corner
  • helper operator in 3D Viewport > Add menu

General Use

To load and display point cloud from any supported file type, you can add an Empty type object to scene (or use any other Blender object type that exists in scene), then go to 3d Viewport sidebar > PCV tab and click Choose File , file browser will open, select your file and click Load. File will be loaded and contents displayed.

Add Menu Helper Operator

Faster and preferable way of adding PCV instance to scene is to use helper operator from Add menu: 3d Viewport header > Add or Shift+A anywhere in viewport and choose Point Cloud Visualizer menu item. File browser will open where you can choose single or multiple files, click Add PCV Instance(s) and for each selected file, new Empty object will be added, named after file name and file contents will be loaded and drawn.

Any file format that is readable by PCV can be loaded this way, only ASCII file types need to use preset that has been made and saved in advance and multiple files have to have the same format.